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About Our Church

About Faith Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran Church has been a vibrant center of worship and ministry within the Pleasant Hill community for almost 70 years. We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.  Our Lutheran heritage provides us with a cherished anchor to our past, while providing a valued guide for our future.  The Church’s mission statement, “Grow Christ’s Life in Every Heart” emphasizes our focus on making active disciples and witnesses of Jesus Christ.  Faith’s Christ-centered members possess welcoming, compassionate hearts and are eager to step out in faith and help when a need becomes known. There is a genuine sense that the Holy Spirit is working within this church. 

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What Lutheran's Believe

Lutherans believe that God alone created the heavens and the earth, mankind, and all life on earth.  We believe that the Bible is the unerring Word of God, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 


We believe in the Holy Trinity, one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life among us.  We believe that Jesus came to earth in human form as an example of how we are to live in relationship with God and with each other, and also as a sacrifice for humanity for our sinful nature.  Due to our sinful nature, humanity is condemned to live out our life separated from God. Only through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross do we have a chance to be free from sin and enter into a direct and personal relationship with God. Jesus has taken our sin upon Himself in his death, allowing God’s forgiveness to cleanse us and create a new life in us. 


We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ by faith are saved from condemnation. Through Jesus’ death, we have been redeemed, cleansed and released from the power of sin.  By His resurrection, He has shown His conquering power over sin, death, and the devil.  After His resurrection, Jesus ascended into Heaven.  We believe He will come again to earth to destroy evil once and for all.  All who believe in this promise will live with Him in His Kingdom forever.  

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Faith is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  As a Synod, we are 6000+ congregations, 1100+ parochial day schools and 2.5 million members strong. In our Concordia University system we operate thirteen college campuses and two seminaries.  We have missionaries in thirty-seven countries around the world and major expansions are planned.

     We do not receive any monetary support from our national church body.  The funds needed to conduct our congregational ministry come from the generosity of our members. .

     As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, we are also a member of the California/Nevada/Hawaii District.  In our District, there are many mission congregations and ministries either subsidized or supported in full by District funds.  New congregations are  begun each year.  Our congregation financially supports this work of our District.

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Faith Lutheran Church,  50 Woodsworth Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523  |  |  Tel: (925) 685 - 7353

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10 am - 3 pm

Come join us Sundays at 9 am!

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